Favourite Software

List of my favorite software

Here's a list of my favorite software.All are freeware .Mostly for windows

The KMPlayer -has so many features ,very useful
Media Player Classic

Irfanview -Image view,edit

Mozilla Firefox
Mozilla Thunderbird
Miro - video download software
Flashget 1.96 - download manager with scheduler

Notepad++ - - very good replacement for notepad
Open Office
Autoit , Autohotkey -windows management scripting tools ,automate many tasks
Manictime -keeps track of your activities
Audacity -edit audio files

Ccleaner -keeps widows clean

Update 19 Jul 2011
  1. Ninite - install multiple apps at once
  2. Instead of OpenOffice , better option is Libre Office as OpenOffice was taken over.
  3. Keepass to store password
  4. Truecrypt to encrypt hard disk
  5. SugarSync to backup files to cloud
  6. Ditto - clipboard manager
  7. Hard Link Shell Extension - Windows files and folders advanced linking features
  8. Windirstat - visually display disk space usage
  9. Everything - instant file search
  10. WizMouse


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