
Autofunctions: Exploring Recursive Utility in Everyday Objects


In a world teeming with multifaceted objects and tools, a curious phenomenon often goes unnoticed: the ability of some objects to perform their primary function on others of their kind. I've coined a term for this fascinating concept: "Autofunctions." This blog post delves into the realm of autofunctions, exploring their presence in our daily lives and their implications in various fields.

Defining Autofunctions

An autofunction is when an object or tool applies its primary function to another of its kind. Think of a bag carrying other bags, a crane lifting another crane, or a software debugging tool debugging itself. This phenomenon transcends simple utility, reflecting a self-referential or recursive nature in the design and function of these objects.

Everyday Examples

To truly grasp the concept of autofunctions, let's look at some commonplace examples:

  1. Containers Holding Containers: This includes boxes storing other boxes or bottles containing smaller bottles.
  2. Software Tools: A debugger in computer programming can often be used to debug its operation.
  3. Manufacturing: Robots involved in constructing other robots.
  4. Education: Teachers educating future teachers.
  5. Art: Paintings depicting other paintings.

These examples show how autofunctions are not just abstract concepts but integral to many aspects of our lives. 

Relationship to recursive functions

Recursive functions in programming call themselves to solve sub-problems of a larger task, defined by self-calls and base cases. Autofunctions, broader in scope, refer to entities applying their primary function to others of the same kind, transcending programming to include various fields. The key distinction is that recursive functions can have any input types, while for autofunctions the input type is its own kind.


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